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Plogging? What's That

There are no rules to plogging
Picking up trash while running

in 2016, the Swedes came up with a word for picking up trash while running; plogga.

It got translated into plogging (EN) or even ploggen (NL)


It is the combination of two words for pick up (plocka upp) and jogging (jogga)

The best article is the wiki page to learn more; plogging


Nowadays, it is more encompassing and is basically picking up trash during some sort of activity (so it could be walking or walking the dog).


Although I had been actively doing it long before it was a word, the word did something amazing. It united us all around the world. Suddenly I had a good hashtag to use; #plogging that is so much better than #iwentforarunandwhileiwasoiutrunningibentdownandpickedupsometrash 


Plogging suddenly became a movement. An action to unite. To inspire.

It has become so big there is even a World Championships (I came second in 2022)


But if I had been doing it before it became a word? When did I first do it?​​

My first official plog

Like many people, I grew up knowing that littering was bad. And I did occasionally pick up trash while running. But I didn't do it for altruistic reasons! I did it to get some good karma and maybe win the lottery (it never happened)​​


But then on 29th Sept 2011 I made a decision; to pick up some trash, just because it was the right thing to do.


I was running the 5km to the train station when I noticed all the trash in the hedgerow. The typical trash you see; fast food, bottles, cans, plastic.


I asked myself, if I don't pick it up, then who will?


So I bent down, picked up a handful of trash and before I put it in the bin at the train station, I made a tweet about it.


29th Sept 2011 was my first official plog.


Am I the first person to ever plog?



Have I really picked up trash every day since then?

Hell no! I did it like many do.. a few times a week.

But then in 2019 I made a deeper commitment to do it every time I run. So I have picked up trash everyday for quite a few years now

Profession Plogger - it just took 13 years!
So, at the time of writing this, I have just entered my 14th year as a plogger.

This is a very special year; after doing it in my free time all this time (and to the point where it has consumed ALL my free time), I have just turned professional!


I am a professional plogger! ​​And I need sponsors! I need companies to sponsor me so that I can pay for my mortgage.


I have some incredible benefits for my sponsors. If you want to know more, check out my sponsor page

What is really exciting about this, is that I am pioneering a new business model for people like me.

If I can make this work then I can share my vision with others and hopefully, others can do the same.


How I plog

I get asked a lot how people can start plogging. It is as simple as it sounds.. grab your shoes, a bag and gloves and head out the door, because "Plogging has NO RULES" - do it how you want to


My best advice is to start small, and enjoy yourself.

It is better to pick up 1 piece each day than 1000 pieces once.


I will do a bigger section on how to go plogging, but for now, here are two links

  • I organise a monthly plog called PlogX. If you are near Haarlem, why not join me?

  • Here is an old youtube video I did before the pandemic that gives some tips:


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