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Geen Nederlands?

I speak Dutch like Yoda, but write it like Chewbacca

Ok, I have lived here, in the Netherlands, for over 20 years. I am so proud to have a Dutch passport and represent the Netherlands in the World Plogging Championships. So it is a bit of an omission to not have the site in Dutch, right?


And you are absolutely right!

I am sure it will make getting Dutch sponsors so much harder. 


But, just like I am proud to say No A.I. , I need to be honest and say my written Dutch sucks.

I am happy reading it, and replying to Dutch emails, but I need to reply in English 


When I write in Dutch, I make a small typo and then autocorrect turns it into something completely different. And that would detract from the message I want to convey.


I am happy speaking and having conversations in Dutch.

I am happy to give talks to clients in Dutch.

My passion will always shine through.


But if I write in Dutch, it will lose focus on the topic and the subject matter. And that is the moment important element.



I also don't want to limit myself to the Netherlands. Trash has no border. 

I know that because I often pick up trash from different countries (and other countries will pick up Dtuch trash too!)

So I can reach more people in English.



So for now, no Dutch. But at some point I must add Dutch to the site.
Ik spijt me.
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